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Why The Unknown Godcast ?

We live in a world and culture here in the west that is becoming more hostile to idea of God on a daily basis. The Christian God is especially demonized in an ever secular worldview. Generations of children, of whom I was one have been raised in public schools, where God has been eliminated. From an early age we are taught a very materialistic and humanistic worldview. In my humble opinion that leaves a multitude of young people without the ability and to even think deeply about not only the natural world but the supernatural as well. These ideas have also made there way to our churches. On the alter of growth and numbers our churches have absorbed into the world. The truth about God so watered down that a shallow gospel of self improvement has displaced the amazing truth of who our God is. On this podcast we hope to dive into the unfathomable depths of our triune God. We will ask those around us, christians and non christians, unbelievers as well, what they know about God and the gospel. We hope to open the conversation up about God and his Gospel. In a world hostile to the God of the bible we are hoping to add another voice for the side of truth.