TUG Episode 8 - Guest Jahdy & Ashley re: The Law of God Jeffrey HuntleyDecember 28, 2019law of god, bible, Bible reading plan, law and gospel, jesusComment
TUG Episode 7 - Guest Danny re: Can we prove God exists? Jeffrey HuntleyDecember 26, 2019apologetics, bible, gospel, proof for god, classical apologetics Comment
Merry Christmas! Jeffrey HuntleyDecember 24, 2019Christmas, Gods Gift, Father of Lights, Jesus ChristComment
TUG Episode 6 - Guest Danny re: Worldview's and Apologetics Jeffrey HuntleyDecember 23, 2019gospel, worldview, biblical worldview, nihilism, apologeticsComment
TUG Episode 5 - Gospel Reflections Jeffrey HuntleyDecember 18, 2019Gospel, Bible, Affirmations, gospel truth, good new, Jesus ChristComment
TUG Episode 4 - Guest Danny re: The Gospel - part 2 Jeffrey HuntleyDecember 16, 2019Gospel, bible, Jesus Christ, Redeemer, Service, Trinity, TriuneComment
TUG Episode 3 - Guest Danny re: Unpacking the Gospel Jeffrey HuntleyDecember 13, 2019gospel, good news, bible, Jesus Christ, TrinityComment
TUG Episode 2 - Guest Jahdy & Ashley re: Can you have the Gospel without the Trinity? Jeffrey HuntleyDecember 9, 2019Comment